聲線疲勞的傳統管理方法是單純的讓聲線休息。姚教授最近的研究顯示,振動療法在緩解聲線疲勞方面比僅靠讓聲線休息更有效 (Yiu et al., 2019)。振動療法以往廣泛用於物理治療和運動訓練,以減輕肌肉疲勞。在不同的振動療法中,我們的研究發現由機器產生的機械垂直全身共振,在緩解聲線疲勞方面最為有效 (Yiu & Lee, in press)。我們認為垂直共振有助全身放鬆和增強肌肉彈性以釋放喉部肌肉張力。
Yiu, Edwin M.L, Liu, Christine C.Y, Chan, Candy Y.P, Barrett, Elizabeth, & Lu, Dan. (2021). Vibrational Therapies for Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Voice, 35(1), 29-39.
Yiu, E. M. L., & Lee, S. C. (In Press). Comparing the Effects of Self-Generated and Platform-Generated Whole Body Vibration on Vocal Fatigue. Journal of Voice.
Chan, K.M.-K. & Yiu, E.M.-L. (2019) Localized and whole-body vibrational therapies for voice: A possible therapeutic technique [Paper Presentation]. 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics & Phoniatrics (IALP) 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, 18-22 August 2019.
Tsang, C.L.C., Barrett, E. A. & Yiu, E. M.-L. (2016). Whole-body vibration as a potential method to improve phonatory function: A passive alternative to vocal function exercise [Poster presentation]. The Voice Foundation’s 45th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, PA, USA. June 2016.
Yiu, E.M.-L. (2018) Whole Body Vibration: A novice approach to voice therapy. Hong Kong Speech & Hearing Sciences Symposium. Hong Kong, China, Nov 2018.
Yiu, E.M.L. Chan, C.Y.P., Cheng, C. (2018) Effect of whole body vibration on phonatory function: A possible therapeutic technique [Paper Presentation]. Annual Voice Symposium, Philadelphia, May-Jun 2018.
Yiu, E. M., Liu, C. C., Chan, C. Y., Barrett, E., & Lu, D. (2021). Vibrational therapies for vocal fatigue. Journal of Voice, 35(1), 29-39.
Yiu, E.M.L., Liu, C.C.Y., Chan, C.Y.P. Lu, D. (2018) Vibrational therapies for voice problems [Paper Presentation]. Speech Pathology 2018 Conference. Adelaide, Australia. May 2018.