Welcome to the "Green Voice Program" Website
About The Green Voice Program
The term "Green Voice Project" was first introduced by Professor Edwin Yiu, the founder of Voice Research Lab, to describe a preventive program for voice problems in school teachers. Since then, "Green Voice Project" has evolved into a number of research projects for diverse populations across the life span. "Green Voice Project" has now become an overarching concept for promoting healthy voice use in the community. Our projects are funded by external competitive research grants, university grants and knowledge exchange grants. This website is developed with the support by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund granted by the University Grants Committee. It presents the collection of the various Green Voice Projects conducted at the Voice Research Lab.
How to Protect your Voice
The Green Voice Program is initiated and run by the Voice Research Laboratory (the Lab) of the University of Hong Kong. The Lab has been devoted to promoting education on voice problem and raise awareness of voice care to the public. It hopes to deliver useful knowledge and practices of voice care for the visitors through this platform. Green Voice Program comprises a wide array of projects targeting different groups of the population and are funded by research grants. Practices used in our Program are evidence-based and supported by research outputs.
To raise the public awareness towards voice disorder and voice care
To introduce knowledges on voice science and related pathologies
To provide evidence-based practices for voice care to prevent voice disorders
To nurture people’s interest in voice research and advocate the importance of voice science
Welcome to Join
The Green Voice Program
Sponsored by the Knowledge Exchange Fund of the University of Hong Kong
Sponsored by the Knowledge Exchange Fund of the University of Hong Kong
Sponsored by GRF of the Research Grants Council
Green Voice Program
Thank you for your Support!
I have learned about abdominal breathing, so I seldom run out of breath when I am speaking now. This is very useful in daily life. I like this activity, and support the school to organize it again next year.
Participating (Green Voice Scientist)
Primary School Student
I have learnt a lot from the lecture, including the vocal cord structure, phonation mechanism, how the voice changes with age, what are vocally abusive behaviours and the importance of voice care.
Participating (Green Voice Senior)
Through fruitful activities and clear explanations, the student learns a lot of useful knowledge on the phonation mechanism and voice care.
Participating (Green Voice Scientist)