大學教育資助委員會研究用途補助金贊助 及 香港大學教育學院在職教師進修課程資助
由於教育改革的關係,教育工作者所面對的壓力越來越大。2005年一項由教協所進行的調查顯示, 有超過三成的受訪教師表示,因工作壓力而身體經常出現毛病。在芸芸由壓力而引起的疾病當中,聲線問題並不如抑鬱和頭痛般,受到公眾同樣的重視和關注。
Chan, K., McPherson, B., Ma, E., & Yiu, E. (2009). Green voice for teachers: Reducing the risk of developing voice problems in teachers using the Teacher’s Voice Risk Calculator [Paper Presentation]. The Occupational Voice Symposium 2009, London, U.K.
Chan, K.M.-K. & Yiu, E.M.-L. (2010) A Comparison of the Effect of Two Training Programs in Preventing Teachers’ Voice Problems [Paper Presentation]. World Voice Congress 2010. Seoul 6-9 September 2010.
Chan, K. M.K. & Yiu, E.M.-L (2011) Green Voice Project: Preserving the healthy voice in teachers. Perspective in Voice Disorders, July, 2011, 62-70.
Yiu, E.M.L. (2009). Green Voice Project for the Teaching Population [Paper Presentation]. The Occupational Voice Symposium 2009; University College London Mar, 2009.
Chan, K. MK & Yiu, E. M-L. (2002) The Effect of anchors and training on the reliability of perceptual voice evaluation. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 45:111-126.
Chan, K., Yiu, E. M-L & Ma, E.. (2005) A Longitudinal study on the occurrence and impact of voice problems on teachers [Paper Presentation]. 34th Annual Symposium of the Voice Foundation. Philadelphia, June 2005.
Chan, R. (1994). Does the voice improve with vocal hygiene education? A study of some instrumental voice measures in a group of kindergarten teachers. Journal of Voice, 8(3), 279-291.
Choi, C. Y., & McPherson, B. (2005). Noise levels in Hong Kong primary schools: implications for classroom listening. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 52, 345-360.
Lam, P.K.Y., Chan, K.M, Ho, W.K., Kwong, E., Yiu, E.M., Wei,W.I. (2006). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese Voice Handicap Index-10. Laryngoscope, 116, 1192-1198.
Ma, E. and Yiu, E.M-L (2001) Voice Activity and Participation Profile: Assessing the impact of voice disorders on daily activities. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 44(3): 511-524.
Yiu, E. (2002) Impact and prevention of voice problem in the teaching profession: Embracing the consumers’ view. Journal of Voice, 16(2), 215-228.
Yiu E, M-L & Chan, K, M.K. (2005) (2nd Ed) A Simple Guide To Better Voicing: For Teachers and Professional Voice Users. Hong Kong: INSTEP. (ISBN Number: 962-8093-18-5)
Yiu, E.M.L. and Ho, P.S.P. (1991). Voice Problems in Hong Kong: A preliminary report. Australian Journal of Human Communication Disorders, 19(1):45-58.
Yiu, E., & Ho, E. Y.-Y. (2002). Short term effect of humming on vocal quality. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing, 7, 123-137.
Yiu E. M-L. & Ma E. P.M. (2001) Voice Therapy Instructional Manual. Yiu, E.M-L. (Ed) Clinical Voice Assessment and Therapy: A Hong Kong Perspective. Volume II. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong. (ISBN number: 962-8093-74-6)
Yiu, E. M-L. & Ma, E. (2002) Voice activity limitation and participation restriction in teaching profession: The need for preventive voice care. Journal of Medical Speech Pathology, 10(1): 51-60.
Yiu, E. M-L. & Ng, C.Y. (2004) Equal Appearing Interval and Visual Analogue Scales in Perceptual Voice Evaluation. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 18(3), 211-229.